Thankfully Aura spoke up.

 'Is it odd that I feel like a real nervous mother?' she asked in a low voice and Richard couldn't help but chuckle softly.

 'Well at least you won't have to fake it,' he replied with a tentative smile.

 'We may not be related by blood but I have come to think of you as a member of my family, Richard. So I just want you to know that I will be with you every step of the way when we get to the ballroom, right at your side. I'm proud of you.'

 'Thanks... I think. I still can't help but feel this is mean to the girl. I mean what if I get sent home next week?'

 'You let me and Lystia worry about that, okay? All you have to do is keep holding your head high and having fun at the academy. Everything else will be taken care of for you. I promise.'

 Richard smiled at the woman and hugged her gently for a moment. He almost let himself imagine that she really was his mother and the feeling of pleasure he got from sharing a hug with a mother figure was something he had never experienced before. His real mother hated his guts and the only time she would ever touch him was when she hit him in anger. Aura was right though, they may not be related by blood but it felt like they were family and he liked that.

 'Okay,' Aura said after the hug ended and she stood up and smoothed out her gorgeous dress, 'It's time. Just take a deep breath and follow my lead. You'll do fine.'

 Realizing this was his cue to leave ahead of them, Karo came over and patted Richard on the shoulder for a second before saying: 'I'll see you out there. And once you see how beautiful I am sure she will be we'll celebrate your engagement with a glass of wine.'

 With that his friend moved to the door and left, leaving it open for them. Richard took as deep of a breath as he could and then began to walk towards the open door. Aura walked to his side and thread her arm with his, giving him both support and pulling him along as he was walking slower than was normal. He couldn't believe he was getting so worked up about all of this. It's not like he would actually be marrying this woman, so what was the big deal?

 The long walk through the sparkling white halls of the palace was quiet and lonely. Just Richard and Aura walked the halls and they didn't see so much as a maid or attendant. It was an eerie feeling and one Richard wasn't comfortable with. He was led through a maze of similar halls, his dress shoes and her heels clacking noisily off the smooth hard floor that shined in the brilliant torch light. After what felt like an hour they came to a corridor that lead to a set of large doors at the very end, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling high above them.

 As they approached the massive gilded double doors opened inwards, seemingly on their own. As soon as it cracked open even slightly the sound of soft live music being played on stringed instruments filled the hall and a dazzling light crept out, almost blinding Richard who had to hold a hand over his eyes just to see where he was walking. Aura simply smiled at him and nudged him forward until they were walking through the still opening doors.

 'Presenting, Daughter of Arcane and Honorable Professor at the Majou Academy for Magic, Lady Aura Proud!' a loud voice called out as someone banged a heavy stick into the hard floor. 'Presenting, Wielder of Light Magic and First Year Student at the Majou Academy, Lord Richard Proud!'

 There was a round of applause as he and Aura stepped into the large and well lit room. Well dressed men and women stood as far as the eye could see and Richard could see his friends Karo and Lisbeth standing off to one side with Coni and Lythia. Both of his 'aunts' looked absolutely stunning but that was something he would never say out loud in front of them. There were a few other faces he recognized from the school but most of them were fourth years and from his two magic classes. Standing off to one corner and away from most of the party were two people he hadn't wanted to see; Agnes and her twin brother Dawkins.

 'Just tell me it's not Agnes,' he whispered under his breath when their eyes met. Aura just chuckled silently and continued to lead him further into the room as people began to crowd in around them with smiling faces.

 Richard thought they were going to mingle with the guests for a little bit but Aura continued to keep him moving as the crowd parted in front of them. When they came to the other end of the room Richard found a raised dais gilded in gold with an older man standing on top of it. He was dressed in long flowing white robes trimmed in gold and held a large golden staff with a star on top of it. Richard assumed he was the head of this worlds church and he seemed to ooze power and confidence. Standing in front of the man in a frilly red dress was a small girl with her back to him, her long cinnamon brown hair flowing down her small back. For a moment Richard thought it was Princess Reiea but this girl looked too young to be her. That's when a sickening thought struck him.

 'Oh god!' he hissed into Aura's ear harshly, 'She is way too young!'

 'That's her younger sister!' she hissed back but there was a soft laugh on her lips. 'But I'm glad that you reacted that way to a nine year old girl. Remember, deep breaths.'

 They stepped onto the platform and Aura retrieved her arm from Richard, holding it out and bowing slightly as she greeted the religious looking man who smiled pleasantly at her. He took her hand and placed a quick kiss on the back of her palm before bowing his head in respect. 'It's good to see you again, Lady Proud.'

 'And you, Arch-Bishop. How was your meditation period?' Aura responded and took a small step back.

 'Enlightening. The whispers of the world are so refreshing when you take a moment to listen.'

 'I'm looking forward to hearing all about it later this evening. I'd like to formally introduce you to my son, Richard. Richard, this is Arch-Bishop Ragno. He's the head of the Alysian Church and will be overseeing your engagement.'

 'It's an honor to meet you,' Richard said politely and bent at the waist a bit.

 'No my child, the honor is all mine. If anyone should be bowing it is me,' Arch-Bishop Ragno said joyfully and his face was cracked by a wide and almost giddy smile. 'To think I would live to see one who can control the light. Did you know, it is written in our holiest book that the wielder of light would come one day when we had the greatest need for him. That he is called the right hand of God, the spear that protects and attacks.'

 'I... I just manipulate light around me,' Richard answered sheepishly. He was by no means a religious person and the fact that this was a religion he knew nothing about made it harder for him to buy into what this man was saying. 'If there's no light then I have no power. Not exactly a great weapon, is it?'

 'My, he's humble almost to a fault,' he said with a wide smile and looked towards Aura, 'You have a fine son my dear. God smiles upon you and your family.'

 'Thank you, your grace. We have been blessed.'

 Arch-Bishop Ragno smiled softly and then looked back towards Richard who was fidgeting where he stood, a nervous look in his eyes. The elderly man reached out a hand and gently placed it on his shoulder, squeezing it softly with a knowing smile.

 'Do not be nervous, child,' he said in a low whisper, 'it's just a small little ceremony to announce everyone's intentions. A little talking, a bit of magic and then it's over. Just consider this a taste of the real event. A little walk through if you would.'

 Richard knew the man was just trying to help him clam down but his words didn't help one bit. Many different thoughts were running through his head and it was hard to stop fidgeting long enough to even smile in return. What if he didn't get to go home and he was stuck in this world for the rest of his life? Would he be able to marry someone he might not even like? What if he did get to go home but it wasn't for a few years and he did marry her? Would he be allowed to then? What if he didn't want to go back home? What would his life be like here? Being Aura's fake son he was considered to be third in line for the throne if Daiya didn't have a child. Would they actually expect him to take the throne? No, that couldn't actually happen. Could it? Did he want it to happen?

 As all these thoughts ravaged Richard's mind when the announcer by the door slammed his heavy metal stick into the ground three times and yelled out; 'Presenting, Her Royal Majesty of Alysia, Queen Lystia and the Crown Princess Reiea!'

 The doors swung open slowly and the Queen and Princess walked slowly into the room, each wearing large billowing dresses with twinkling tiara's on their heads. Both women looked beautiful and the air that surrounded them was almost palpable. Richard knew they were royal but they never gave off that impression until that moment. Their heads were held high, their backs straight, and every step they took looked like it had been choreographed. It was an almost magical experience seeing them walk into the room.

 'Here we go,' Aura whispered into his ear with a slight grin in her voice. A moment later the announcer at the door banged his staff into the ground three more times to gather everyone's attention as the Queen and Princess had stopped a few feet in front of the door.

 'Presenting Queen Lystia's honored guests, King Dycoz of Elothia, and Daughter of Fire, Number One Ranked Student at the Majou Academy for Magic, Crown Princess Daiya of Elothia!'

 Richard's world shattered under his feet and his legs threatened to dump him on the floor. For a brief moment he wondered if Daiya and her father were here just as the Queen's guests and actually had nothing to do with what was going on, but the way the crowd reacted and the wink he was getting from Karo told Richard that he was wrong. A mix of emotions ran though his heart and mind in that moment and he was surprised to find that most of them weren't good emotions. He felt like he had been lied to and misled. But that was exactly the case here.

 A moment after they were introduced Richard caught sight of a towering man moving into the room behind the Queen, his white topknot adorned with colorful feathers and a serious look on his scarred face. Daiya appeared behind Reiea and Richard knew she was a stunning sight to behold, with her long cinnamon hair flowing over her tanned and toned shoulders and a light smattering of makeup over her gorgeous face that looked nervous. She was wearing a long white gown that glimmered in the dazzling light of the room and swept across the floor, hiding her feet from view. Richard knew she was beautiful be couldn't see her in that way right now. He felt betrayed just looking at her.

 The royal procession began once again and all four royals began to walk through the parted crowd as people bowed to them. Richard thought his walk through the crowd had taken forever but it was nothing compared to how long it seemed to take them. He could feel his knees shaking with each step they took towards him and he was having a hard time keeping his face neutral. All he wanted to do in that moment was run from the room and never see any of these people again. He didn't blame Aura, she had already told him the final decision was the Queens. So it was Queen Lystia and Daiya he was upset with right now. How could the Queen have done something so idiotic? 

 After what felt like an entire night the Queen and Reiea were standing in front of him. While the Queen smiled at him and Aura happily, Richard noticed that Reiea looked put out and she was looking away from everyone else, a sour look on her face. As he was noticing these things he felt a hand on his back and looked over to find Aura bowing low to them, admonishing him for not doing the same. So he quickly bent stiffly at the hips and showed the respect that was expected, even if he didn't feel like it.

 Queen Lystia nodded briefly and then stepped onto the dais with her daughter hot on her heels, moving to stand next to the Arch-Bishop who also bowed his head towards them. King Dycoz and Princess Daiya moved forward now and once more Richard and Aura had to bow in their presence, something he wasn't used to doing with his classmate. He followed through with it but averted his gaze from Daiya the entire time, knowing that if he looked at her face right now he would only get more mad. This was honestly a waking nightmare for him.

 Daiya and her father stepped onto the platform and turned to face Richard and Aura. The crowd that gathered in the ballroom quietly moved closer to the dais and Richard could feel all their eyes on them, misplaced smiles filling almost every face present. He did his best to shrug them off but he could still feel the weight of the moment on his shoulders. He was starting to sweat a bit in his dress suit and if he didn't get some fresh air soon he might just throw up all over the Dark Elf King and Princess.

 'We have congregated her this day to witness the Proud family and the ruling Monarch of Elothia announce their intentions regarding the marriage rights of Lord Proud and Princess Daiya,' the Arch-Bishop announced and his voice was surprisingly loud. 'Both families have agreed to this arrangement and wish to publicly announce this decision here tonight. If you would, Lady Proud.'

 Aura took a step forward so she was a few inches ahead of Richard, her head high and an air of power surrounding her as she had been raised in this environment her entire life. 'I, Lady Aura Proud, give my only son as an offering between two noble families and two great nations. As the head of my family I consent to the marriage of my own blood, Lord Richard Proud to Princess Daiya.'

 With her little speech finished she stepped back to stand shoulder to shoulder with Richard and nudge him gently with a soft smile that was totally lost on him. Arch-Bishop raised the hand closest to him and Aura and it began to glow purple, like he was gathering Arcane Magic into it. A second later King Dycoz stepped forward and looked Richard dead in the eyes, his powerful presence threatening to crush him where he stood.

 'I, King Dycoz of Elothia, give my eldest daughter and successor to my throne as an offering between two noble families and two great nations. As the head of my family I consent to the marriage of my own blood, Princess Daiya to Lord Proud.'

 As the imposing king stepped back to stand beside his daughter the Arch-Bishop raised his other hand and it also began to glow with purple light. Richard had no idea what was going on anymore but he had heard the holy man mention something about magic being involved, so this must have been what he was talking about.

 'The heads of both families have consented to the joining of their bloodlines!' the man called out and held both of his glowing hands over his head. 'With their declaration we must now seal their promise in the flesh of their children. Princess Daiya, Lord Proud, please turn to face me and take a step closer. Lord Proud please hold out your left hand and Princess Daiya hold out your right.'

 Taking a very deep breath and forcing his body to move, Richard turned to face the old man in white and held out the hand he had been asked for as Daiya did the same. When both hands were held out towards the Arch-Bishop he reached out with his glowing hands and gripped them both by the wrist. A jolt of magical power ran through Richard's body and he let out a low gasp that only a few people probably heard.

 'The left hand represents the mind, while the right represents the heart. With the joining of these two the promise that has been made here will be cemented in your flesh until it has been fulfilled!' the man announced and brought the two students hands together until they were touching, Richards over the Princess'. 

 The moment their hands touched the purple glowing light that surrounded the Arch-Bishops own hands exploded in a ball of gold light that blinded Richard. The power he had felt being pushed into his body suddenly gathered on the back of his hand and a prickle of annoying pain burst through from that location and into his mind. When the golden light faded he looked at his hand over top of Daiya's and saw that a small insignia that glinted almost translucently had been drawn under the layers of his skin. It was a small golden crown with a dragon wrapping its tail around it, a puff of fire coming from its open maw. Richard had seen this mark before, a few times. It was the Elothian Royal Seal.

 'In front of all these witnesses, God has accepted this pledge and the pact has been sealed in the children's flesh! These two families will be joined together by their children when both participants are eligible. May God watch over and guide you both in your quest of life!'

 As soon as the Arch-Bishop finished speaking applause broke out in the crowd and Richard found himself being turned to face them by both Aura and Daiya. He and the Princess still held hands and she lifted them into the air, probably signifying the conclusion of the ceremony. All Richard wanted to do in that moment was let go of her hand and leave, but he doubted he would ever have that choice anymore.

 They remained like this for a few moments and then finally their hands moved apart and came back to their sides as people began to climb up onto the platform and offer their congratulations. Over the next hour or so, Richard was pulled through the crowd by Aura as she had him thank important people personally for coming out to see the ceremony. He tried his best to sound and look upbeat but he was just wishing the day would end all ready. It wasn't until they came to Aura's sisters and his friends was he allowed to take a short and much needed break.

 'No one can ever doubt how strong and lucky you are now that you are engaged to Princess Daiya,' Karo beamed at him. Richard didn't return the smile and only sighed in frustration. 'You don't look very happy for someone who was just bound to the strongest and most beautiful girl at school.'

 'I just feel a little blindsided,' Richard admitted, 'I just wish someone had let me know what was going on before hand.'

 'You'll get over the shock, sweetie,' Aura smiled at him, 'it will just take some time. Let me go get everyone a glass of wine. Coni, would you mind helping me?'

 'But Richard isn't old enough for one,' the middle sister pointed out but was quickly corrected.

 'Your nephew is a Lord and the future Prince of Elothia,' Aura explained, 'so I don't think anyone is going to mind if he has one glass tonight. Come on now.'

 Coni groaned at being bossed around by her sister but went with her anyways, leaving Richard, Karo, Lythia, and Lisbeth standing there alone. Lythia seemed like she wasn't interested in anything that had happened and Richard was pretty sure she had known about this night before hand. Unlike her, Lisbeth was all smiles as she scanned the massive marble room around her and saw the people who ran the country. At least she seemed to be enjoying her night as she had sounded the most excited about coming here. Like Karo, this was also her first time at the palace and it must be even more of a shock to her than him. She came from a family with nothing and now she was rubbing elbows with some of the richest and most powerful families from two different nations.

 'So what's the protocol here? Do I have to stay by her side all night long or something? Or can I just do whatever I want?' Richard asked after a few moments of stiff silence. A band had struck up a flowing and peaceful song somewhere off on the other side of the room and the party was in full swing now. Then again it was a party mostly full of stuffy old men and women so there was just a lot of talking going on and little else.

 'It's not like you're married, Richard,' Karo answered, 'just engaged. Just look at me and my fiancé. We never see one another. But why would you want to be away from the Princess? I think that's the real question.'

 'I just need some fresh air to clear my head. If my mother asks just tell her I'm on the balcony.'

 Without another word Richard walked away from his two friends and the annoying fly in his life and made his way through the crowd of nobles towards the ornate doors that led outside into the cold air. The minute he was out of the increasingly stuffy room he felt instantly refreshed and he heaved a sigh of relief as the cold winter air surrounded him entirely. His brain was assaulted by a billion different thoughts and he found it nearly impossible to sort through all of them. The one that always kept coming back and haunting him was 'what the hell is going on here?'

 He hadn't been alone more than a few minutes when he heard the door open behind him and the sound of music rang in his ears. It was quickly shut out a moment later as the door closed and he turned around expecting to find Aura standing there with her usual smile and words of encouragement on her lips. Instead he found the one person he didn't want to see in that moment, Daiya.

 'What are you doing out here?' she asked him and Richard noticed that her voice didn't have that hard edge it normally had. It was almost the same voice she had used when they had first met and he thought he had offended her in some way.

 'Thinking,' he answered briskly and turned back to gaze out over the snowy garden below him. It was almost the same view he had when he had been staying here before, only in a different wing of the palace.

 Daiya remained silent for a bit and then walked up to him, coming to a stop as she leaned gently against the white stone railing that kept people from falling off. Richard could smell the faint hint of perfume coming from her skin and the heat she was radiating as the cold air tried to steal it. He still found that he couldn't forgive her though.

 'What's on your mind? You seem upset,' she asked him. Richard glanced at her from the corner of his eye but he was drawn down to her right hand that was twinkling softly in the moonlight, the Proud family emblem barely visible. At the sight of that he couldn't stop himself from speaking, even though he knew he should.

 'I thought we were friends, and yet you were hiding this from me. You were the only woman in the entire school who I thought was genuinely interested in being my friend because you could, not because you were pursing my damn marriage rights! Of course I'm upset! You would be too if you learned someone you thought was your friend was going around behind your back and just getting close to you because they had to!'

 'Richard...' the Princess said softly but he brushed off her strange attitude. This wasn't the Daiya that everyone feared and respected at the academy.

 'Please, just leave me alone for a little while. I need time to sort things out and I don't think I can get over being betrayed so easily. I'm sorry... I just...'

 'I understand,' she interrupted and took a step away from the railing. 'I'll be with the guests if you want to talk.'

 With one last look Daiya turned and left, going back through the door to once more join the party. Even the way she just left like that without saying a word was so unlike her that it almost seemed like she was a different person. Where was the woman who chided him for not following her instructions in class when she was trying to help him out on something that he didn't understand? Where was the head of the disciplinary committee that kept students in line at the school with just a glance? Where was the first ranked mage and the Daughter of Fire? Wherever she was, Richard hoped she reappeared soon.

 'Richard,' a soft voice came from the other end of the terrace, a small body hidden in the shadows. Reiea walked out a moment later and came to stand in front of him, an odd look on her face and her hands fidgeting with her dress.

 'How long have you been there?' he asked quickly as he realized he had thought he had been alone.

 'Longer than you,' she answered softly and met his eyes. 'I overheard your argument with Daiya. You're not happy with this engagement either, are you?'

 'No, but I don't have a choice,' he admitted bitterly and turned back to look out over the hidden garden below.

 'Yes, you do. There is always a choice, you just have to see the best route for yourself.'

 Without realizing how close the sixteen year old princess was getting Richard was suddenly surprised when he felt her soft small hand on top of his. Her body pressed into the side of his and she almost purred at the contact. In a flash Richard stepped away from her and looked her directly in the eyes.

 'What are you doing, Reiea?'

 'Showing you your other path,' she breathed and before he could stop her she stepped into him and kissed him, standing on the tips of her toes to reach his lips. It lasted for less than a second and he forcibly pushed her off and held her at arm's length in case she tried that again.

 'You can't do that! What's gotten into you!'

 'Run away with me,' she said and totally ignored his question. 'We can go, just the two of us, and get away from everything our parents are putting on us! Neither of us chose this life, so why do we have to do what we are told? We can go and live somewhere that no one will find us and we can grow old together!'


 'Please, just say yes, Richard!' the girl cried and a few tears trickled from her eyes and rolled gently down her pale cheeks.

 'We can't!'

 'Why not? I love you!'

 At those words Richard snapped and his voice grew louder as he lectured the stuck up child who wailed before him. 'Get a hold of yourself! You barely know me and the only reason you think that you are in love with me is because you believe I saved your life and I just happen to be the one man you can actually touch without freaking out! Would you listen to how you sound right now? You are a Princess and you will be the Queen one day, so start acting like it! Stop being a spoiled little girl who cries when she doesn't get her way! You don't even know what love is and how do you expect me to love you back when all you do is cling to me like there was no tomorrow? Just leave me alone from now on!'

 Richard turned and walked away, leaving the sobbing girl alone on the cold terrace as he entered the palace through a door that didn't lead back to the ballroom where everyone was gathered. He stalked through the empty halls, anger and regret swelling up in his mind. He shouldn't have blown up at Reiea like that; she didn't deserve it. Everything was just getting so out of control that he was losing his grip on reality and he felt lost. Now more than ever he wished he was back on his own world where none of this mattered. He didn't want to fight in the stupid tournament. He didn't want to be engaged to someone who had just become his friend to get his marriage rights. He didn't want to deal with the babyish Reiea and her crazy mother who was playing some kind of game with his life. He didn't want any of this anymore!

 He walked out the main entrance and grabbed the nearest carriage, telling the driver to take him back to the academy. He never wanted to see that palace again.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: